Now more than ever, people need an alternative source of income. One that requires individuals to spend little money on starting up, even none at all. The economic crunch as a result of the ongoing covid-19 pandemic has closed several doors, but also has open many more. As more businesses and companies make the definitive move to the online space, you might want to consider some of these online ventures for yourself.
They cost little to nothing to begin. Perhaps you’re looking for how to raise funds for a bigger business start-up you’re working on. Here are four online business ideas for beginners.
- Thrift/Pre-loved item sales
Selling clothes and other items second hand isn’t only for those okrika “bend down select” merchants in Apapa. The thrifting and preloved market in Nigeria is getting a make-over online. All you need is a camera or phone with good camera quality, an Instagram or Facebook account and something preloved (but in mint condition) to sell. How can you source for your pre-loved items? Firstly, what do you what to sell? Is it clothes? Books? or Bags?
To sources these items, the first place you might want to start is your house. There’s bound to be something that isn’t your size anymore or just hasn’t been in use for a long while. Friends and family can also contribute to your thrift/ preloved business. Perhaps you would be required to give them a percentage of your earnings. That’s okay as you can haggle with them over the price point. Preloved business owners are also scavengers, constantly searching for great deals on second-hand items and where they can purchase/collect used goods from for resale. People have struck gold in the process, finding items such as vintage designer bags, “collectors items” whose prices increase with age.
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We offer business owners the opportunity to create shops on our website and market their products across the world.
- Facebook Advertising
Facebook advertising is something that even seasoned companies have challenges handling effectively. How much more your friends, family and associates that are about to start their own businesses online and don’t quite know where to begin? Help them master Facebook advertising and charge a fee for your services, while helping them get a head start into online/social media sales. It’s a win-win.
- Run a virtual crash course
In the past few months, you may have noticed invites to group chats to learn about imports, drop shipping, soap making and other crafts and skills. Make no mistake, those are not charities. The mediator(s) running the course charge fees to impart their knowledge and tips to their participants.
Do you have a special skill set that is teachable virtually and can even help others make money? Consider hosting crash courses and classes online via WhatsApp group chats, Facebook groups and Zoom seminars. Charge a registration fee. The goal is to get as many people as possible to join, so you will need the word-of-mouth marketing of those closest to you. You can run repeat courses like this once a month too, work in batches or teach new concepts each month. Its ultimately up to you.
- Online Tutoring
Another great way to make money without spending a fortune or leaving your home. Are you great at a particular subject and discipline, and love children? Share your knowledge with children and teenagers in secondary school by hosting virtual classes on a subject or set of subjects. This is especially great for teachers who are currently out of work due to school closures. You don’t have to stop working, you just have to work differently. Even if your skills are more vocational, such as baking or wig making, you could host a virtual summer workshop for teens and children via Zoom or Goggle Meet (registration fee applies of course).
The online world presents us with numerous opportunities to earn money in convenient and cheap ways.